Our eating habits, it seems, along with just about everything else we do, are destroying the planet. Biodiversity is disappearing in our food supply, according to the New York Times Idea of the Day for July 24. Tamas Dezso of the Times Week in Review quotes Emily Badger in Miller-McCune magazine: “…today, 99 percent of turkeys eaten in America come from a single breed, the Broad-Breasted White… More than 80 percent of dairy cows are Holsteins and 75 percent of pigs come from just three breeds.”
August 7, 2009
Saving Bambi, and an Heirloom Tomato or Two
Thundering for the Kids — The Flash Version
I’ve never liked motorcycles much — the noise, the exhaust fumes — raw aggression. On the highway I hear them, roaring up behind me, often two abreast, weaving in and out of traffic, going fast and loud. Or gunning their engines at stop signs. Threatening, all in black, hidden behind big, intimidating helmets or goggles. Anonymous power. Darth Vader on wheels.
Yet, on a crisp bright Sunday morning in autumn I am on Delaware Avenue in Philadelphia with thousands of bikers. Even on a beautiful sunny day, they’re big, tough, and scary. They have to be to manage the Harleys.
This is the 28th annual ABATE Run for the Kids, “America’s Largest Toy Run.” At 12:00 sharp, they will start their engines and roar out to Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania. Each of the bikers has a toy, or more, to deliver to sick kids.
ABATE stands for Alliance of Bikers Aimed Toward Education, a national organization that lobbies for bikers’ rights and provides education and safety instruction. The ABATE run was started in 1980 to counteract their “bad guy” image. Just to look at them, there are a lot of “bad guys” on Columbus Avenue this Sunday morning, the kind of guys you wouldn’t want to find perched on the next bar stool.
He won’t go into CHOP with the rest of the bikers. He’ll go ahead of the ride to help organize the parking, underground, where the noise — the noise that he says is too much for him — must be deafening.
So maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to be perched on a bar stool next to one of these guys. But I’ll still be careful of them on the highway. For their sake, as well as mine.
All Things in Moderation
“Some say rapid Internet search is killing general knowledge, the retention of key facts, from capital cities to historic dates — long the marker of an educated mind.” Yet another way in which the Internet is dumbing us down.
The blog quotes a journalism professor, Brian Cathcart of Kingston University in London, who disagrees. Knowledge, he says, and what kinds of knowledge we need to have, are essentially moving targets, “a society’s pool of shared knowledge is ever-changing.”
Images: Johannes Gutenberg, Encyclopedia Britannica Online, Jacques Louis David, "The Death of Socrates," Metropolitan Museum of Art.